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Alderney – Sailing Directions

Precautions / Regulations / Facilities.

Maintain Listening Watch for Harbour Office Launch on Ch. 74.

Navigation: Tide races and wind over tide are the most important considerations when navigating Alderney / Braye Harbour.

Depths: The Harbour provides access at all states of tide taking into account safe times to approach harbour. See: “Tidal Streams”.

Tidal Streams: Always navigate the “Swinge” at slack water, which is +21⁄2 hrs HW or LW Alderney. Tide runs at up to 9 knots in the “Swinge” and 11 knots in the “Race”.

Winds: Good shelter in Braye Harbour, except in strong N-NE winds and occasionally in a heavy SW swell.

Harbour entrance: Keep well clear of submerged breakwater. Also see note above on tidal streams.

Speed Limits: 4 knots within Braye Harbour.

Arrival procedures: On arrival call Harbour Office. See: “VHF communications” & “Useful Telephone Contacts”.

Marinas: None.

Mooring / Anchoring: Braye Harbour has 70 visitor mooring (Yellow) buoys available within the shelter of the breakwater.

With some additional areas designated for anchoring.

Fuel: Fuel is available from “Mainbrayce Limited” but is not particularly practical. Contact Harbour Office for advice if fuel is required.

Harbour Taxi: Mainbrayce Taxi. See: “VHF Communications” & “Useful Telephone Contacts”.

Incident reporting: Alderney Coastguard: or Alderney Harbour Office. See: “VHF Communications” & “Useful Telephone Contacts”.

VHF Communications.

Alderney Coastguard: Working frequency Ch. 67 & 74. A listening watch is kept on Ch. 16 Call sign “Alderney Coastguard”.

Alderney Harbour Office: Ch. 12 Call sign “Alderney HarbourOffice”. Open June to August 07:00 – 20:00 hrs.

Otherwise 08:00 – 17:00 hrs Monday to Friday.

Harbour Office Launch: Ch. 74 Call sign “Harbour Launch”.

Water Taxi: Ch. 37 Call sign “Mainbrayce Taxi”.

Useful Telephone Contacts.

Alderney Harbour Office / Coastguard: 01481 822620.

Guernsey Coastguard: 01481 720672.

Harbour Taxi: See Mainbrayce Limited.

Mainbrayce Limited: 01481 822 772.


Click here for Alderney Port Authority Website.

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