Guernsey - Sailing Directions
Precautions / Regulations / Facilities.
Maintain Listening Watch within St Peter Port Harbour onCh. 12 (VTS).
Navigation: Avoid using the north side of the harbour and entrance, if possible. Commercial shipping has priority on the north side of harbour and harbour authority prefers the area to be kept clear of other traffic.
Depths: The Harbour provides access at all states of tide. Entry into the Victoria marina is over a fixed bar which dries 4.2m above chart datum. Visiting craft can however safely navigate to the visitors holding pontoons in the main harbour, via a small boat channel, at all states of tide.
Tidal Streams: The Harbour entrance has, at times, a strong tidal stream running N/S & S/N @ up to 4 Knots.
Winds: The Harbour entrance is exposed in Easterlies, which can make holding in the main harbour uncomfortable.
Speed Limits: Harbour entrance 6 knots reducing to 4 knots in the small craft channel and inner parts of the harbour.
Harbour entrance: A red light on the south pier head and another on the north pier head indicate large vessels are entering or exiting the harbour and small craft must keep clear. However, vessels of less than 15m can proceed, with caution, by using the south side of the entrance.
Marinas: Victoria Marina; See: “Links”.
Arrival procedures: Marina staff will normally greet and direct visiting craft from their small harbour launches.
Fuel: Fuel is available from a pontoon located in the south area of the main harbour and is open at the same state of tide as the Victoria Marina.
Harbour Taxi: Peak times only. See: “VHF communications” & “Useful Telephone Contacts”.
Incident reporting: St Peter Port VTS or Guernsey Coastguard. See: “VHF communications” & “Useful Telephone Contacts”.
VHF Communications.
Guernsey Coastguard: Working frequency Ch. 20 & listening watch on Ch.16 Call sign “Guernsey Coastguard”.
Harbour Taxi: Ch. 10. Call sign “Harbour Taxi”.
St Peter Port VTS: Ch. 12 Call sign “St Peter Port VTS”.
Victoria Marina: Ch. 80 Call sign “St Peter Port Marina”.
Useful Telephone Contacts.
Guernsey Coastguard: 01481 720672.
Harbour Taxi: 01481 424042?
St Peter Port VTS: 01481 720229.
Victoria Marina: 01481 725987.
Click here for Guernsey Port Authority Website.