St Malo – Sailing Directions
Precautions / Regulations / Facilities.
Maintain Listening Watch within Approaches and Harbour on:
Harbourmaster / Pilots / Lock Naye Ch.12.
Basin Vauban / Les Bas-Sablons Ch. 09.
Navigation: Avoid using the main channel, if possible, by making use of the minor channels.
Depths: Approaches have drying areas and shallows, particularly parts of the “small channels”. Careful attention should be paid to the rise of tide before navigating within the area.
Tidal Streams: Approaches have strong tidal streams running W / E & E / W @ up to 4 Knots @ half tide.
Winds: Does not present a problem to access main harbour but can cause swell in Les Bas-Sablons.
Speed Limits: Harbour 5 knots.
Harbour entrance: Open access (Shipping has priority at all times). Keep to North side of harbour when approaching / navigating within Harbour entrance.
Cross Channel Ferry and Large Ships: Roll on / Roll off ramp on south side of main harbour. Large Ships / Ferries using Lock Naye “Ecluse du Naye”:.
Lock “Ecluse du Naye”: Times of operation, approximately HW -2.5 to HW +2 . The Lock & Rolling Bridge is opened on the hour during the operating period. This normally involves vessels entering the lock and holding to go into Basin Vauban thirty minutes before the hour and exiting on the hour. Outgoing vessels normally enter the lock as soon as incoming vessels are clear. Entry / Exit is indicated by Traffic lights on the Lock tower. See “Links” for more information and times of opening.
Holding Buoys: In main harbour to “Port” (left) of Lock Naye entrance.
Marinas: Two Marinas; Basin Vauban and Les Bas-Sablons marina at St Servan. Basin Vauban is accessed via Lock Naye, “Ecluse du Naye”. Les Bas-Sablons marina at St Servan is unlikely to be able to accommodate 12 metre vessels.
Basin Vauban arrival procedures:: Basin controller staff meet all entering yachts in a small tender and give direction to berth.
River Rance: To access the Rance River it is necessary to enter through the Rance Barrage Lock. Times of operation can be obtained from the marina office or by contacting the Barage Lock directly. See: “VHF communications” & “Useful Telephone Contacts”. Alternatively the Barrage Lock operating times are on recorded message, See: “Useful Telephone Contacts”.
Fuel: No fuel is available in St Malo, Basin Vauban but possible for diesel at Bas-Sablons with French credit card. For more details contact Harbourmaster.
Incident reporting: Harbourmaster or CROSS Coastguard: See: “VHF communications” & “Useful Telephone Contacts”.
VHF Communications.
Basin Vauban: Basin Control Ch. 09 Call sign: “Basin Vauban Controlle”.
CROSS “Jobourg” Coastguard: M.M.S.I. No 002275200 or Ch. 16 Call sign “CROSS Jobourg Coastguard”.
Fuel : No contact details.
Harbourmaster: Ch. 12 Call sign “St Malo Control”.
Harbour Pilots: Ch. 12 Call sign “St Malo Pilots”.
Lock Naye: “Ecluse du Naye”: Ch. 12 Call sign “Lock Naye”.
Rance Barrage Lock: Ch. 13. Call sign: “Barrage de La Rance”.
Useful Telephone Contacts.
Basin Vauban: Tel: +33 (0)299 565191.
CROSS “Jobourg” Coastguard: Tel: +33 (0)2 33 52 72 13.
Harbourmaster: Tel: +33 (0)299 202500.
Lock Naye: “Ecluse du Naye”: Tel: +33 (0)299 816286.
Rance Barrage Lock: Tel:+33 (0)299 462187.
Recorded message (In English) of the Barrage Lock times and the time and Height of water in the Rance: Tel: +33 (0)299163733.
Click here for Lock “Ecluse du Naye” times of opening.
Click here for Port information.