St Quay – Sailing Directions
Precautions / Regulations / Facilities.
Maintain Listening Watch within Approaches and Harbour on:
Harbourmaster / Port d’Amour (Marina) Ch.09.
Navigation: See “Depths” & “Winds” for approach precautions. Take care to avoid Vedettes & Fishing vessels as they have priority over leisure vessels (Or at least they think they do!).
Depths: The port is accessible (from the North) at all states of tide but has shallows just East of Marina Breakwater. If approaching in rough or low water hold a course closer to Marina Breakwater in order to avoid shallows. Use a large scale navigation chart.
Tidal Streams: Due care should be exercised during flood / ebbing tides as approaches can have tidal streams running at up to 2 Knots.
Winds: Wind does not normally present a problem to access marina in calm conditions but care should be exercised when approaching near low water or strong easterly winds.
Speed Limits: Harbour 5 knots.
Marina entrance: Access is possible at all states of tide although at low water or easterly winds special precautions are necessary. See: “Depths” & “Winds”.
Marina: Port d’Amour (Marina). Allocated marina visitor berths (Call before making passage to ensure berth in high season). Visitor pontoon is Number 7 midway along port side of marina. See: “Links” to download a Marina plan.
Fuel: Fuel pontoon with both Diesel and Petrol (credit card payment only).
Incident reporting: Harbourmaster or CROSS Coastguard: See: “VHF communications” & “Useful Telephone Contacts”.
VHF Communications.
CROSS “Corsen” Coastguard: M.M.S.I. 002275300 or Ch.16 Call Sign: “CROSS CORSEN”.
Fuel : No contact details.
Port d’Amour (Marina): Ch 09 Call sign: “Port d’Amour”.
Useful Telephone Contacts.
CROSS “Corsen” Coastguard: Tel: +33 (0)2 98 89 61 55 or 1616 from land line.
Port d’Amour (Marina): Tel: +33 (0)2 96 70 81 30.
Click here for Port information and harbour plan.